Thursday, December 3, 2009

If you were walking back to the VIT Girls' Hostel at around six thirty today (or were dropping your better halves/to-be better halves/could-be better halves) you would have noticed as what can only be referred to as bizarre. You would have seen four girls screaming their head off at the trees and plant that line the entire stretch of the pathway back to the hostel. If you paid attention, you could have heard them scream, "You, Intervenal Chlorosis, You", or "Necrotic, you" or the friendlier "Die, Motherfucker, Die". You may have dismissed this as another case of Vellorititis or you may have possibly wondered why.

The answer is this. All these girls were suffering from a nearly terminal illness. And today at five they had found their cure for this cancer.

In other cultures this cure is also known as "The Aftermath of the Plant Physiology Examination".


Priyanka said...

I think you're overdoing it. This is an understatement.

Priyanka said...

Blog owner approval and all, wah kya baat hai.

Annesha said...

Funny. I had forgotten about the fact that I did that. Discovered only today. :D

Philophobic said...

Okay, this is PHUNNEH. :D